Archived adhesive blank discussions
The following comments were originally posted to our adhesive blank product information page, but were "lost in translation" to the new web site, and were absent for nearly a year. We've brought them back in this archived form, for your reference, and for the search engines. ;)
4 old comments
Does your iPad 2 and mini kits include the home button adhesive?
Yep – they sure do!
For IPad series 2, 3 and 4 does your adhesive gets applied on top of the screen that comes automatically on the screen? (The 4 sides and 4 corners) . On all screens that we purchase , adhesive is present by default from manufacturer. Won’t additional adhesive thickens the screen?
Just noticed that we replied to you via email, and forgot to respond here on the web site! Adding our adhesive to existing adhesive would, indeed, make the resulting adhesive layer too thick. It would also be a weak bond, since the weaker adhesive layer would prevent our adhesive from creating a strong bond. Ideally, you’d want to purchase iPad screens that do not come with adhesive preinstalled. If your supplier doesn’t offer these, we’ve had customers say good things about, Group Vertical, and Mayvillage Trading – you might try there.